Become a Best Employee
It’s not complicated; it just requires a decision and commitment on your part to make it happen. Here are some starter tips for making your manager’s life—and job—easier on a daily basis.
Work on Self-Improvement
Prioritize continuous self-improvement by regularly assessing your work. Engaging in post-task feedback sessions helps identify areas for enhancement, fostering a culture of constant learning and professional development. Embrace the journey of perpetual growth and refinement in your craft!
Always Strive for Excellence
Always strive for excellence in everything you do! If you’re assigned to shredding the papers, then shred every paper quickly and efficiently. If you’re tasked to do a presentation, then come up with a creative and informative one that everyone will enjoy. The point is, you do more than what is expected of you.
If you always strive for excellence, then that means better outputs at work and better relationships with your co workers. Try your best to become a better version of yourself every day. Don’t wait for your boss or employer to professionally and personally develop you. Start doing your own professional development. Have self-leadership!
As an employee, the more you work, the more you learn. Becoming a professional doesn’t come overnight, rather it takes years of hard work and strict following of these ten ways in order to become one. Everyone starts at the bottom, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t work yourself up! Just remember to always strive for excellence and to be professional in the things you do, and success will eventually follow you everywhere!
Don’t Expect Your Boss to Spoon-Feed You
It may sound harsh, but no manager wants to babysit an employee. So if you have questions about health insurance, where to find the pencils, or how to file an expense report, find a colleague who can help you get your answers.
Save one-on-one time with your boss for work-related matters that require collaboration; issues that allow you to flex your intellectual muscles and prove your worth as an employee.
Meet (or Beat!) Your Deadlines
When you get an assignment from your manager, enthusiastically commit to the deadline (this means “I’m on it!” not, “I’ll see what I can do”). Then, aim to deliver it at least a day early.
This gives your boss time to flex and adapt in case something comes up—and it always does—rather than sweating it out for you to deliver something at the very last minute.
Offer Solutions, Not Problems
Your job is not to constantly point out problems that arise, but rather, to proactively start thinking about what solutions could help address those challenges.
For example, you should never walk into your boss’ office to complain about how the shipping department can never get anything out on time. Instead, you should first go to the shipping department, have a conversation about what can be done to improve the situation, and see what you can do to help.
Then, when you do go to your boss about it, you’ll be able to let him or her know the action you’ve already taken to start solving the problem.
Do What You Say; Say What You Do
If you say you’ll finish a report by Friday for the team update, but you come in Friday morning unprepared because “other things came up,” people will probably complain to your manager.
And if that’s not enough, if your manager was counting on that report to take the next steps on a project or to present to the executive team, it will inconvenience (read: annoy) him or her even further.
People who are accountable for their actions and follow up on their commitments are dream employees—and their bosses know they can count on them, no matter what.
Employees who work to make their managers successful are golden. Your manager has a tough job—the stress and pressure of which may not be abundantly evident to you. So, help your manager out and develop your own skills at the same time, by doing everything you can to make your boss’ job easier. When you’re a manager, you’ll appreciate the same.